Minions Movie Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 29, 2015.

I honestly love the minions. Can I just have one or is that too much to ask in a day and age where we have thinks like ninja robots and Donald Trump running for president? While I work on my "despicable" plan to get these goofballs, how's about we take a look at the upcoming Despicable Me spinoff film, self-titled Minions.

So Minions centers around the little yellow henchmen audiences grew a strong liking to from the original Despicable Me movies, specifically our titular three; Kevin, Stuart and Bob.

Just to get you caught up to speed on the plot, the movie essentially centers around the idea that these creatures we call Minions have been on this planet far longer than we have, desperately looking for the most despicable master to serve. In this quest, they've served some of history's baddest villains, from the infamous T-Rex to the notorious Dracula, as well as serving in some of civilization's key moments, from the Civil War to the creation of the Egyptian pyramids. But now that they've exhausted all their options, the Minions have ended up in Antarctica, with no master to serve. On the verge of extinction from no purpose in life, one brave minion (Kevin) will gather up two other "volunteers" (Stuart & Bob) and set out on a daring quest in order to find a new boss to serve under, which happens to be the world's first female supervillain, Scarlet Overkill.

Now it's hard to find, in modern cinema, an animated spinoff that does its characters justice without potentially screwing up the very reason audiences were on board in the first place. It's safe to say that Minions does our favourite little henchmen justice in that department...for about the first 40 minutes or so.

Starting with the first 40 minutes, this really highlighted what the audiences came for and wanted in a movie about Minions: the Minions. This part of the film was essentially what you'd expect from a movie about these guys, filled with crazy shenanigans, slapstick comedy, and just the overall Minion humour we've come to expect, and it was brilliant. I consider myself a grown man of sorts, and yet their childish acts and jokes were the very reason I decided to watch the movie, and I was not disappointed one bit. These 40 minutes or so were entertaining as ever and provided a stellar start to a much anticipated movie...until it didn't.

I mean, it's safe to assume that when you have a movie about the sidekicks of a franchise, you'll want to divert the attention so that the audience has something else to look forward to, but this just took it too far. Scarlet Overkill, voiced by Sandra Bullock, was an entertaining character on her own, but it was what we've seen over and over, and you'll get that feeling from the very first time you see her on screen. It was even worse of a fact that the movie somehow concluded that the Minions wouldn't be able to support their own movie, and shifted the focus on Scarlet Overkill for a good chunk, which not only provided dull story, but a dull, paint-by-the-numbers character that made the last acts of this movie a slight mission to bare. That's not to say that the Minions in any way were responsible, but it would have been nice to focus more on the Minions in a movie that goes by that very name.

The movie's set in 1963, which they never really explain, but it's a fun twist that allows for multiple references and jokes to the age and time, from the Beatles to the moon landing and everything in between. Things like that often set the movie aside from its stereotypical nature, and that's a good thing I really liked about this movie.

The voice talents in this movie were extremely well done also. With the likes of Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, and more amongst the ranks, it provided for some great charisma brought to the table in about every scene they were in. Now whether or not their lines stuck is another discussion. Pierre Coffin, the voice actor for all the Minions, did an even greater job, somehow bringing a different tone to the multiple characters he had to play, and that complimented this movie really well.

Overall, if you love, or even remotely like the Minions, then you're going to thoroughly enjoy this movie. Does it have some stale parts that made the theater not chuckle once? Definitely. But seeing these characters bring what we love to the screen once more provides some great taste to the overcrowded summer movie season. If you've got a kid, are a kid, or just love things for kids, then this is definitely a movie you'll want to check out. Even if you don't, you'll get a few chuckles out of it and a great time for the first half, the 2nd half is a completely different story, but one that still makes Minions worth checking out.

KhanFlix Rating: 7.5/10

Minions hits theaters everywhere on July 10, so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think in the comments below or on our social media pages!

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Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Gets An Official Title.

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 29, 2015.

With the exception of the Iron Man movies, Marvel Studios has largely stayed away from putting numbers in their sequel titles, instead opting for more creative subheads like The Dark World, The Winter Soldier, and Age of Ultron. That won't be the case for the future of the Guardians of the Galaxy series, however, as its been officially confirmed that the second chapter of that story will be called Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2.

Writer/director James Gunn made the announcement on his personal Facebook account. He acknowledged that this news is breaking a bit earlier than he had expected, as the title accidentally slipped out during the press day for Ant-Man this past weekend, but also noted that he was excited that some fans were actually able to guess what the name of the movie would be before anything was actually said.

While this is a rather bland name - especially when there are so many other awesome possibilities from the comics that could have been used, it's also understandable how Marvel Studios and James Gunn ultimately decided that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 for the title. It's clearly a reference to the mixtape that Chris Pratt's Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord carries around for the entire movie, which has the cute name "Awesome Mix Vol. 1", as well as the new mixtape that he unpackages at the end of the film.

With a release date on May 5, 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 is expected to go into production in the first half of next year. While it's been promised that the movie will include new characters that were not featured in the first movie, it's been promised that we will see the return of stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan and Sean Gunn. The next few months will surely be filled with tons of updates and news about the project, so be sure to stay tuned!

Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with all the latest updates in the world of movies and more. For all things animation and real, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

Ted 2 Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 26, 2015.

Going back to the well is a dangerous thing, especially for a comedy. New jokes for the old characters can be exceptionally difficult to come by and you can only retell the old jokes in so many ways. It may be strange then—to be fair though, not more strange than the main character — but Ted 2 is definitely more successful than not. Some jokes do miss and the story is somewhat weaker than the first movie, but enough of it lands to put a smile on your face as you walk out of the theater, and that's really all you can ask.

Seth MacFarlane is back as the director for the sequel and still voices the living bear. Also returning are Mark Wahlberg as John, Jessica Barth as Tami-Lynn, and even Giovanni Ribisi as Donny. Notably absent this time out is Mila Kunis with Amanda Seyfried stepping in as John's new love interest. While Seyfried is unquestionably funny in the role of lawyer Samantha L. Jackson, the sequel is done no favors by the fact that the first movie is heavily focused on John trying to work out his relationship with Kunis' Lori, the love of his life. Lori's absence here in the wake of the events of the first movie is regrettable no matter how many times John insists to various people that the relationship just didn't work. A different excuse to not feature Lori in the film would have been far preferable than the tired one we are given.

The first Ted works so well because the relationships between John and Ted and John and Lori feel real. It isn't hard to believe that you would wind up caring about the interactions between two humans, but watching Ted, you actually end up caring more about John and his living teddy bear than anything else. That relationship here in Ted 2 is just as good and just as real and heartfelt. A climactic chase sequence in the sequel succeeds not because it's terribly new or different, but because it has the unlikely pair at its core.

Perhaps MacFarlane and company are well aware that no one really wants to see John try and make a go of it with another girl which is why John takes a backseat to Ted, who is trying to prove that he's a person, not someone's property. Sure, that notion may sound absolutely ludicrous, but again, this is a movie about a teddy bear that has come to life, so ludicrous can work.

The best moments of Ted 2 — and, to be fair, the worst as well — are its random asides that have little to do with the main thrust of the film. A scene like Ted finding John's porn may not be essential for the story, but offers huge laughs. However, a road trip from Boston to New York that somehow finds the trio of John, Sam, and Ted on a two-lane road as opposed to one of the plethora of highway choices one has making that trip is where things (literally and figuratively) slow down.

This movie also suffers from making the bear's problems the main plot. Ted's quest for humanity starts out with the comedic notion of his wanting to have a kid to save his marriage, but it turns into something much more serious and forces the movie to have Ted step somewhat away from his cartoonish nature. Ted the pot smoker is funny. Ted the civil rights advocate is something not so easily dismissed and while that is okay, it fits less well with the rest of the movie.

Both Seyfried and Morgan Freeman deliver good, serious, courtroom speeches about civil rights and what it means to be a person. Perhaps the joke is supposed to be the absurdity of their delivering such speeches for a teddy bear, but using the rhetoric they use and referencing things like the Dred Scott case doesn't easily lend itself to this sort of humor.

Overall, It may not have as many laughs or as good a story to tell as the original, but Ted 2 isn't entirely empty either. The movie has enough jokes that land and enough emotion behind it all to make it an absolutely acceptable sequel to the 2012 hit. John's story this time out is particularly weak, and Ted's might make one a little uncomfortable in how it plays out, but the bromance between John and Ted is enough.

KhanFlix Rating: 7/10

Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with all the latest updates in the world of movies and more. For all things animation and real, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

Dope Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 20, 2015.

The early '90s were an amazing time. Hip-hop culture was at its peak, and it swiftly moved into the mainstream, thanks to musical artists like DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, TV shows like In Living Color, and movies like New Jack City. The party didn't last, though. Eventually, like everything else, it became a commodity and was subsequently watered down. Today's hip-hop fashions are far less fun, and while there's still some good music being made, it's often very thematically similar. (How many songs about smoking weed or going to “the club” can there be?) Dope is, at its very best, a throwback to that time when the joyful hip-hop of Kid 'N Play bumped up against the social consciousness of N.W.A., and all of it mixed together to create something whose force couldn't be denied.

The movie is structured like many coming-of-age stories, in that it focuses on a high school student, Malcolm (Shameik Moore), struggling to write a college admission essay. (His is a scientific attempt to determine the exact date Ice Cube was rapping about in his classic song “It Was a Good Day.”) Malcolm and his two best friends, Diggy (Kiersey Clemons) and Jib (Tony Revolori), are geeks obsessed with early-'90s hip-hop. They even dress the part. One day, Malcolm does a favor for local drug dealer Dom (A$AP Rocky); in return, he gets an invite to a big party. During a police raid, Dom shoves several huge packets of drugs into Malcolm's backpack. Here's where the film differs from most coming-of-age stories. Malcolm has to get rid of the stuff, while being pursued by a second – and far less benevolent – dealer. His attempts to do so lead to a series of adventures with his friends, plus a burgeoning romance with Nakia (Zoe Kravitz), a girl from the neighborhood.

Dope is a comedy that combines some very funny references to its hero's hip-hop obsessions with a distinctly quirky sensibility. The supporting characters include an aspiring rapper who can't pronounce words that start with a soft C, a white computer hacker who doesn't understand why he's not allowed to say the N-word, and a black market criminal who puts people through a bizarre test before working with them. Writer/director Rick Famuyiwa (Brown Sugar, The Wood) also uses offbeat stylistic choices to tell his tale. Among them are split screen, rewinding the image, and, occasionally, juggling the time frame to withhold key pieces of information until the exact moment we need them.

Famuyiwa also carefully uses rap songs from artists like Public Enemy, A Tribe Called Quest, and Digital Underground. (Additionally, Pharrell Williams wrote some tunes that are performed by Malcolm's band.) These songs punctuate what's happening on screen, while also helping to establish a tone that is reminiscent of the early '90s. Perhaps the highest compliment one could pay Dope is to say that it feels as though it might have come out of that era.

Underneath the comedy and the music is a surprisingly subversive spirit. For most of its running time, Dope seems like a breezy romp about a kid who's in over his head and trying to get out. The last fifteen minutes feature a shift, one that starts when Malcolm reads his revised essay to the camera. From his last line, it becomes clear that the story is about something much deeper. Dope suggests that even the smartest and most ethical of kids can find themselves stuck in the mire of crime when they come from a background of poverty or live in an area where it's commonplace. Malcolm is an honorable guy, but once in possession of those drugs, he's got to save himself. There's no other option. He didn't ask to be in the predicament; he was thrust into it. We live in a time when young black men are unfairly labeled “thugs” for any slight misdeed they may be part of, while the word is never used to describe white men, even when they do something horrible. Dope never uses the word “thug,” although the idea is there: you can't judge someone until you understand the whole picture of who they are.

Anchored by a charismatic breakthrough performance from Shameik Moore, Dope succeeds as both a comedy and a character study. It has an abundance of exuberant energy that consistently entertains, yet you also come away with some substance to chew on. In the '90s, I'd have called the movie “funky fresh.” Today, I'll just call it terrific.

KhanFlix Rating: 9/10

Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with all the latest updates in the world of movies and more. For all things animation and real, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

Inside Out Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

Our brain is such a complex tool. With an incredible amount of nerves and actions to control, you'd assume we'd have someone to maneuver us through it all. And if you've always wondered this exact same question, then you're in nothing but luck, because That is exactly what Pixar's latest masterpiece (emphasis on the word masterpiece), Inside Out plays on for its main story, and does it phenomenally well for audiences of all ages.

The movie centers around Riley, a young girl who gets it dropped on her that she's just picking everything up and moving her entire life from Minnesota to San Francisco. And obviously, she's not ecstatic about it, and neither are her emotions. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust, all of her primary emotions, are struggling to keep the ship that is her mind afloat throughout all this chaos, shedding a much needed light on a child's inner workings along the way. Yes, this plot description may seem extremely vague at the moment, but it's simply because I'm hoping to send you all into this movie the same way I did, with minimal information for an incredible experience, and boy does it pay off.

If I were to start off with the negatives of this movie in terms of what I didn't like or enjoy, I'd be severely out of luck, because there is pretty much nothing I can find in that field. Inside Out manages to revitalize the magic of Pixar that we fell in love with so many years ago, with classics such as Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and The Incredibles. The story, performances, humour, and just about every other aspect of this movie is nothing but animated perfection overall.

Speaking about the performances, each emotion really had their own time to shine in this movie. While some a little more over others, audiences will easily be able to connect to each individual emotion pleasantly well, no matter their favourites. I won't go much into each character for the sake of not spoiling this masterpiece, but the performances really were something else. The cast of Amy Poehler as Joy, Lewis Black as Anger, Mindy Kaling as Disgust, Bill Hader as Fear, and Phyllis Smith as Sadness, really come together and compliment the film very well through their outstanding voice talents and charismatic natures overall.

Touching on the humour really quick, there's a reason adults are still huge fans of Pixar movies, to some extent. And this movie really does everything and more to recapture that audience, while still catering to the expected yougn ones as well. Jokes fly abroad in this movie, and both adults and kids will find plenty to bust their gut with. The fun part was how Pixar managed to work in jokes for all mindsets, so there are definitely a lot of jokes that kids are going to absolutely die at, but keep an eye out for a subtle joke here and there that will definitely appeal to the more adult crowd, bringing a great balance to the screen.

The plot, without giving too much away, managed to do the impossible and evoke countless emotions in everyone, including myself. With joy, sadness, laughter, and some tears running here and there (I blame the silent onion cutting ninjas), this movie truly does present a story that will benchmark its status as a classic for the ages to come.

Was this review extremely vague? Yes. But it's because this movie was everything I wanted it to be and so much more on every level, and to deprive someone of that experience would truly be a crime in itself.

Truth be told, Pixar has hit it out of the park and won the series with Inside Out. This movie is perfect in almost every sense of the word, and revitalizes the expectations for animated movies everywhere. I really wouldn't be surprised if 10 years down the road, this was used as the golden standard to uphold all animated movies to. In all honesty, only an idiot would skip over this movie, and that's just the truth.

KhanFlix Rating: 10/10

Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with all the latest updates in the world of movies and more. For all things animation and real, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

Meet Your New Spider-Man

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 23, 2015.

Earlier today, Marvel finally put all the rumors to rest about who would play Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And it's with great joy that we here at KhanFlix finally get to report the fact that it's going to be Tom Holland.

If you're looking to find out about who this actor actually is, then we've got you covered right at our Finalists page of the then-finalist Tom Holland.

Prior to the announcement, the actor took to Instagram to show off some of his incredible athletic capabilities, which presents the great question of whether or not he'll be doing his own stunts in the movie. Check them out below!

More fun more fun

A video posted by ✌️ (@tomholland2013) on

According to Holland's IMDb profile, none of his projects require his talents at the moment, which indicates he would be free to shoot some Spider-Man/Peter Parker scenes for Captain America: Civil War in Atlanta.

A standalone Spider-Man film starring Holland in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the titular wall-crawler is set for release July 28, 2017. The standalone edition is set to be directed by Jon Watts of Cop Car and Clown! fame.

Be sure to check out our Facebook & Twitter pages to keep up with all our latest up dates for both movies and reviews. And for all things super and webby, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

First Look At Ghostbusters Reboot During Filming

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

Whether you like it or not, the new Ghostbusters reboot is officially up and running! Shooting has started in Boston, and we've already gotten a first look, courtesy of Entertainment Tonight, that gives us a really good look at just what's being filmed. Brace yourselves folks, because what we're seeing and hearing look a bit familiar to the Ghostbusters fans in the office, and we have a feeling you're going to recognize the scene being filmed below as well!

That clip comes courtesy of Entertainment Tonight, who premiered the first look on this evening's broadcast, and already the clues are beginning to show a picture of what to expect from the Ghostbusters reboot. In this first look, we see Kristen Wiig in what looks like a bit of a dated costume - which is either a personality quirk of her character, or indicative of a flashback scene that takes Wiig's character back to the 80's. We're inclined to believe the latter, as further photographic evidence captured on set sheds some further light on what, and who, are on set.

It's interesting that despite Paul Feig's insistence that he's making his own Ghostbusters movie from whole cloth, he's chosen to open the shoot with a scene that looks vaguely identical to a beat from the original film. Whether it's a cute call back, or a direct copy of the original's origin scene modernized for today, is yet to be seen. What we can say for sure is that the Ghostbusters reboot is officially on the way. The road to July 22, 2016 has begun, and you can be sure that KhanFlix will be reporting every step of the way!

Kick-Ass Will Inspire At Least 2 More Movies

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

Matthew Vaughn has admitted that plans are currently afoot to reinvigorate the Kick-Ass franchise, and he believes that before they create a Kick-Ass 3, they’ll need to win back fans with a prequel. And in order to do just that, Vaughn has revealed that they are looking to tell the story of how Hit-Girl and Big Daddy rose to be such impressive ass kickers.

The English director made this admission while talking to Yahoo Movies to promote Kingsman: The Secret Service's released on home entertainment. After revealing that he’s "not happily done with the franchise," Matthew Vaughn outlined his ambition to reboot the series. And his description of their intended prequel will have moviegoers leaping for joy with anticipation. Vaughn explained that they're working on an idea that would be an origin story for Hit Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz) and Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage), mapping out how they became these costumed vigilantes.

But there’s a very good reason why Matthew Vaughn feels that the Hit-Girl and Big Daddy prequel will need to be created before Kick-Ass 3. Vaughn believes that the franchise needs to win back the trust of the original’s fans in light of the relatively poor response to Kick-Ass 2. Vaughn explained:

If we make that [prequel], hopefully that will be the sorbet for the people that didn’t like Kick-Ass 2, and then we can go off and make Kick-Ass 3. I think we’ve got to do this prequel to regain the love that we had with Kick-Ass."

Matthew Vaughn is currently in the prime position to get Big Daddy and Hit-Girl’s solo installment green-lit after the success of Kingsman: The Secret Service earlier this year. Made on a budget of $81 million, which Vaughn stretched to make his film as arresting and stylish as any other blockbuster this summer, Kingsman grossed $403.7 million and was met with generally positive reviews. He’s currently not attached to direct any future projects (though he's rumored to be interested in Kingsman 2), so there’s every chance that his next step will be to return to the Kick-Ass well for further rollicking adventures.

Jesse Eisenberg On What Makes Lex Luthor Different

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

We've all been awaiting to see our first glimpses of next summer's big baddie Lex Luthor. Well, MTV caught up with Jesse Eisenberg while he is promoting his new movie The End Of The Tour and asked him about portraying Lex Luthor in Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

"It's a really great character. It was written by this guy, Chris Terrio (Argo). He's a phenomenal writer," Eisenberg began by praising the Batman v Superman screenwriter once again. "He comes from a place of character. He loves my character in the same way I love my character. He put a lot of work into it. It's a great character. There's an emotional core to character. It's not a silly villainous character."

Then MTV asked Eisenberg if looked back at any of Gene Hackman's performance as Lex Luthor in the Superman films that starred Christopher Reeve. "No, it is an entirely different thing," Eisenberg explained. "Also, the tone of that movies is so different, like that movie wouldn't be made now. Like the way we expect movies to be now is to have some kind of - I mean, it's probably for the best - there's some kind of psychological accuracy. That the person is coming from a place probably diagnosable in some way."

Check out his comments in a more "3-D" fashion below.

Be sure to catch Luthor and all his super buddies in next year's Batman v. Superman, hitting theaters on March 25, 2016.

If you wanna keep up with all the latest news and reviews even faster, be sure to check out our Facebook & Twitter pages, and like and follow us respectively. And for all things bad and good, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

Fear The Walking Dead First Look Trailer Released

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

Fans of the hit AMC zombie-drama The Walking Dead will rejoice at the fact that the studio has released the first trailer full length trailer for the series. Check it out below!

Fear The Walking Dead premiers in August on AMC.

Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with all the latest updates in the media, and for all things walking and dead, keep it here at KhanFlix.

Batman v. Superman Is Most Anticipated Movie Of 2016

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

So we've had some pretty obvious decisions within the past few weeks, so this should come as no surprise either. Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes has proclaimed that the upcoming superhero flick Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is easily the most anticipated movie of 2016. reports that during Time Warner's annual meeting today, Bewkes talked up the incoming superhero skirmish between its two biggest DC Comics characters. In outlining Warner Bros.’ comic book movie plans, Bewkes revealed that they hope to release up-to 10 DC Comics movies within the next few years. Those plans officially begin with Batman V. Superman, the “no more anticipated movie” for 2016, according to Bewkes.

Now a lot of people - specifically Marvel Studios - may disagree with that statement, considering movies such as Captain America: Civil War, Deadpool, and X-Men: Apocalypse are backed by major fan bases and huge hype, but given that the DC movie is the first time multiple DC properties will be crossing over (and setting up 2017's Justice League: Part One), it's no surprise that a whole new fan base, and many others, are nothing but stoked with this film.

Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is directed by Zack Snyder, and stars Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman, and Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. The movie is slated for a March 25, 2016.

Be sure to check us out our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with the latest info on the world of Hollywood. For all things super and heroes, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

Emma Stone On Why She Passed On "Ghostbusters"

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015.

From the very moment word came out that Sony wanted to make a female-led Ghostbusters reboot, Emma Stone's name was suggested more than most. Sony and director Paul Feig also thought Stone would make a good Ghostbuster and in a recent interview the actress reveals that she passed on it and shares why.

"The script was really funny,” Stone told The Wall Street Journal. “It just didn’t feel like the right time for me. A franchise is a big commitment — it’s a whole thing. I think maybe I need a minute before I dive back into that water.”

Stone understands the commitments franchises can demand of their actors as she was a part of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise.

Paul Feig's Ghostbusters is due in theaters July 22, 2016. The cast includes: Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones.

Be sure to hit us up on our Facebook and Twitter pages so you don't miss out on all the latest happenings in the world of movies & beyond. For all your ghostly news, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

New Hotel Transylvania 2 Trailer Released

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 19, 2015, 2012.

If you were one of the many people eagerly awaiting a look at the sequel to last year's <Hotel Transylvania, this is your lucky day. Sony Pictures has released the first trailer to their upcoming movie Hotel Transylvania 2. Check it out below!/p>

In Hotel Transylvania 2, the Drac Pack is back. Everything seems to be changing for the better at Hotel Transylvania... Dracula’s rigid monster-only hotel policy has finally relaxed, opening up its doors to human guests. But behind closed coffins, Drac is worried that his adorable half-human, half-vampire grandson, Dennis, isn’t showing signs of being a vampire. So while Mavis is busy visiting her human in-laws with Johnny – and in for a major cultural shock of her own – “Vampa” Drac enlists his friends Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin to put Dennis through a “monster-in-training” boot camp. But little do they know that Drac’s grumpy and very old, old, old school dad Vlad is about to pay a family visit to the hotel. And when Vlad finds out that his great-grandson is not a pure blood – and humans are now welcome at Hotel Transylvania – things are going to get batty!

Hotel Transylvania 2 stars the vices of Adam Sandler (Dracula), Andy Samberg (Johnny), Selena Gomez (Mavis), Kevin James (Frank), Fran Drescher (Eunice), Steve Buscemi (Wayne), Molly Shannon (Wanda), David Spade (Griffin), Keegan-Michael Key (Murray), and Mel Brooks (Vlad). The film is directed by Genndy Tartakovsky (Samurai Jack, Dexter’s Laboratory)

Be sure to give us a follow on our Facebook and Twitter pages to make sure you're up-to-date on anything and everything in the world of media. And for all things animated and real, keep it here at KhanFlix.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Gets A Two-Parter HISHE

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 16, 2015.

We've all probably seen the monster hit that was Avengers: Age of Ultron, but if we're being serious, there's definitely better ways it could have ended. So what better way to show us these supposed endings then from the experts themselves? YouTube humourists How It Should Have Ended have finished their two-part video to how the sequel should have ended. Check them out below!

HISHE took several humorous swipes at The Avengers, Marvel Studios, and more. Little was spared, as the Marvel Universe’s new Spider-Man, Fox’s X-Men franchise, and--gasp--Mutants were referenced. And of course, HISHE stalwarts Batman and Superman were there to comment on Age of Ultron’s arguably disappointing box office and critical reception.

To keep up to date on all things humour and movies, keep it locked at KhanFlix.

The Hulk's Potential Role In Captain America: Civil War

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 16, 2015.

Although Captain America: Civil War is packed full of superheroes, one notable Marvel Cinematic Universe character that has seemingly been left out of the gigantic ensemble is Bruce Banner, a.k.a. The Hulk. However, it’s recently been hinted that we may get to see actor Mark Ruffalo make an appearance in the 2016 blockbuster after all.

Ruffalo mentioned last week that Robert Downey Jr. had suggested he’d be in the movie, and while we were wondering whether this was Ruffalo’s Avengers: Age of Ultron co-star having a little fun with him, now it sounds like the Iron Man actor actually did tell Ruffalo that he has a part to play in the Marvel movie.

During an interview with Hitfix, Ruffalo said that despite not being contacted by anyone from the production, he has been told by Downey Jr. that Bruce Banner is in the film. As Ruffalo laughingly put it:

If Robert Downey, Jr. says I'm in Captain America, I'm in Captain America, dammit. And I will wait for the day that my call sheet shows up at my doorstep or my script. At this point, I'm told that I'm in it by Robert, which I'll take as biblical, but I just haven't heard or seen from production yet.

Unless Downey misheard someone on the film or he’s playing a cruel prank, it sounds like he’s heard that that Ruffalo will be involved with the third Captain America installment. Still, you would think that after eight years of doing these MCU films, Downey would know not to drop information like this without express consent from Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige or any other higher-up at the company. Since the film is less than a year away, we’ll get an answer to this question soon enough, but for now, we’re simultaneously cautious yet thrilled at a potential addition to this ensemble.

Principal photography on Captain America: Civil War began on April 27th, and is expected to run until at least August, if not longer. So if Downey is correct, there’s still plenty of time for Ruffalo to get a script, and travel to the set to shoot a scene or two. With all the superheroes already involved in the film, it’s hard to imagine Banner playing anything more than a minor role. There’s not even a guarantee he’ll Hulk out during the conflict, though one rumor lists the Green Goliath as showing up to deal with General Thunderbolt Ross, who will have transformed into Red Hulk. Hopefully they would also clue fans in on what Hulk has been up to after cutting off communication with Black Widow in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

With or without our favourite green rage monster, you can catch Captain America: Civil War in theaters on May 6th, 2016. For all your superhero needs, keep it here at KhanFlix.

Penny Dreadful Renewed For Season 3

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Well it's been a good day, clearly. It appears that fans of Showtime’s grim, Gothic drama Penny Dreadful will not have to part with the series with its Season 2 finale just around the corner. The network has announced that the show has been renewed, ensuring that your television future will see no dearth of deadly demonic destruction.

According to Showtime’s official announcement, Penny Dreadful has been given a nine-episode order for Season 3, which will air on a yet-to-be-specified date in 2016. By all indications, the cast will soon return to the regular shooting location in Dublin, Ireland to commence the series’ stylistic brand of blatant butchery mixed with bizarre bouts of ribaldry.

You can catch the remaining episodes of Penny Dreadful Season 2 on Showtime Sundays at 10 p.m. EST as it rounds the way to what will surely be a fantastic finale on July 5.

For all things gothic and TV, stay right here at KhanFlix.

Passengers - Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt's Sci-Fi Scores Greenlight

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015

These days, casting's become more like a complicated drug trade than anything else, so it's an honest to relief to say that the casting drama behind the new sci-fi flick Passengers has finally been resolved, check out the details after the jump!

Now, for those of you who weren't aware of the drama behind-the-scenes of Sony's project, let's catch you up to speed for a second. It was reported that, while both Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt had been tapped to star in the film, both had laid out much higher offers for salaries, which the studio and acting managers were at odds with for quite a while.

But it looks like that is all water under the bridge at this point, as Sony Pictures’ new motion picture chairman Tom Rothman has greenlighted Passengers, a big-budget romantic sci-fi drama starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt with Oscar nominee Morten Tyldum (The Imitation Game) set to direct. And thanks to a deal that tied his remuneration to the success of Jurassic World, which broke box-office records with a $524.1 million global opening over the June 12 weekend, Pratt’s fee has jumped from $10 million to $12 million.

Lawrence, on the other hand, an Oscar winner and considered a top star, is getting an exceptional $20 million against 30 percent of the profit after the movie breaks even, say sources.

Considering that this acting team-up will definitely bring in some decent profit, it's worth noting that the actresses' pay is going to end up being more than double of what the primary lead Chris Pratt is being paid.

Passengers is set to begin filming in September so Sony has been under pressure to act. Sources say Rothman wrestled with whether to greenlight it, put it in turnaround or place it with Jeff Robinov’s nascent Studio 8, which is partly owned by Sony and will distribute its films through the studio but has outside financial backing.

The film bounced from place to place before landing at Sony Pictures. At one time, when it was a Weinstein Co. project with Keanu Reeves and Reese Witherspoon, it was budgeted at a modest $35 million. Recently, Rachel McAdams was attached to the project. Ironically, for a time the project was in negotiations for a deal at Warner Bros., where Robinov had been chairman of the film studio — with the budget capped at $65 million.

To keep up with all the behind-the-scenes happenings of Hollywood, you're already in the right place; KhanFlix.

The Odds of Fan Favourite Becoming Next James Bond

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Let's be real for a second; Daniel Craig can't be James Bond forever. He has already headlined the franchise in three films, with a fourth, Spectre, on the way. With the actor and producers teasing that he could potentially retire his impeccably tailored suit any day now, fans are placing bets as to who will take his place when the job is done. According to some new buzz, Damien Lewis has emerged as a likely contender.

This update doesn’t come from any intrepid journalist, anything official from the studio, or even an interview response taken out of context and blown out of proportion. This comes from…bookmakers in the U.K. According to The Hollywood Reporter, William Hill revealed that it slashed its odds of the Homeland star becoming the next James Bond by more than 75%, from 25/1 to 3/1. This propels Lewis ahead of Idris Elba (5/2), Tom Hardy (4/1), Henry Cavill (5/1), and Michael Fassbender (7/1). While we may not know the intricacies or influences of U.K. bookmakers, this doesn’t seem to be anything more than a friendly wager among friends

We still have a ways before we know if Craig will drop out of the franchise. Spectre is cutting it close with production for a November release. 007 will face someone from his past, as well as the villainous organization from the canon. Depending what the writers cook up next, Craig could still return for Bond 25, considering the films picked up again in popularity with Skyfall

As we await for confirmation and more on the upcoming Bond movies, keep it here at the one stop hub for all things secretive; KhanFlix.

Aquaman & Flash's Role In Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Revealed.

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 16, 2015.

Once you get past the whole Batman v. Superman part of director Zack Snyder's upcoming superhero blockbuster, you'll realize that there's so much more of the Justice League present then previously thought. With Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman set to have a major role within the movie, as well as Ray Fisher's Cyborg, Ezra Miller's Flash, and Jason Momoa's Aquaman. Now, HeroicHollywood, who has provided us with many scoops before, has revealed some information on the specifics of the role of some of these characters. Warning: decent spoilers follow for the upcoming movie, so view at your own risk.

So as mentioned, Heroic Hollywood has a scoop for how Jason Momoa’s Aquaman and Ezra Miller’s The Flash will be featured in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. These might not be the ONLY scenes featuring the heroes, but from what that site was able to deduce, these scenes will be included. They say that Batman (Ben Affleck) will infiltrate Lexcorp at some point in the movie, and will analyze surveillance footage on monitors. He will see The Flash as "a blur that stops a robbery." As for Momoa’s Aquaman, Batman will see the hero "held prisoner in a containment chamber, where we see his hand slap against the glass."

Suicide Squad. We had heard that Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) might have Aquaman’s trident in a trophy room at her headquarters, which would be an obvious indicator that she has Aquaman imprisoned. Maybe all we get out of Jason Momoa in Dawn of Justice is this quick tease, setting up his solo movie in 2018

As for The Flash, the wording of this scoop leads me to believe that we won’t actually see Ezra Miller in character, which explains why we haven’t yet seen a still of the hero the way that we have seen Aquaman and Wonder Woman in official imagery. It’s starting to sound like there will only be a speedy blur, and fans will nod their heads and say, "Yep. Flash." Then they’ll sit back and wait for the reported The Flash movie, also in 2018.

Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has to juggle a lot of plates when it hits theaters on March 25, 2016. It has to pit Kal-El against Bruce Wayne, while possibly dealing with Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg), Doomsday, and a slew of supporting characters. There probably won’t be a ton of room for The Flash and Aquaman in the finished product, so this scoop makes sense.

For all things justice and super, keep it here ad KhanFlix.

Grey's Anatomy Just Found McDreamy's Replacement

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Grey’s Anatomy is gearing up for its twelfth season on the air, and this season will feature some changes. Namely, fans are still reeling from the death of Dr. Derek Shepherd, who was killed off following a car accident toward the end of Season 11. Today, news broke that Grey’s Anatomy has signed on another handsome gentleman in Patrick Dempsey’s absence. With the promotion of Actor Jason George as a series regular, The new guy is Secrets & Lies (the Australian version) actor Martin Henderson.

Henderson’s been in the acting business for awhile, appearing in The Ring and Smokin’ Aces, but also in TV shows like The Red Road and the aforementioned Secrets & Lies. Per Deadline, Grey’s Anatomy has signed Henderson on as a series regular for Season 12. However, ABC is keeping mum regarding who he will be playing in the new episodes, suffice to say a stethoscope will be involved. Henderson is set to play a new surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. This won’t even be the first time he’s played a doctor, having also appeared in the short-lived Shonda Rhimes-produced drama, Off The Map.

Still, if Henderson is the new McDreamy, he has pretty large shoes to fill. Despite the rumors stating the character could get killed off Grey’s Anatomy, how the ABC drama decided to do it was still a shock. While driving, Derek stopped on the side of the road to help two vehicles that had been involved in an accident. He did his doctor thing, and managed to save lives. Unfortunately, as he was getting back into his own vehicle, a truck came from out of nowhere and caused a major accident. Mistakes were made at the hospital, and Dr. Shepherd died. Fans were affected particularly hard by the shocking tragedy (Patrick Dempsey was even a surprised). A petition was even created demanding the show bring the character back.

Regardless, Grey’s Anatomy will certainly be saving some money with Henderson on board. Let’s hope he’ll prove to be a good addition to Season 12, as well.

For all things medical and TV, you're already in the right place; KhanFlix.

Pitch Perfect 3 Gets Huge Update

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

In case any of you "pitches" out there felt like you were missing a dose of your favourite collegiate acapella group, well worry no more, more is on the way. Pitch Perfect 3 just got a massive update, including release date, cast confirmations, and much more, check it out after the jump below.

Pitch Perfect 3, according to Universal Pictures, will be the latest installment in the trilogy, and is set for a July 21st, 2017 release date. Star and actress Anna Kendrick took to her personal Instagram account to post the reaction to this news, which you can view at your own disclosure.

According to Variety, Rebel Wilson's breakout favorite Fat Amy is also set to appear in the follow-up, along with returning producers Paul Brooks, Max Handleman and Elizabeth Banks. Elizabeth also directed May's runaway hit sequel Pitch Perfect 2 in addition to producing and co-starring in both Pitch Perfect movies.

As previously reported on KhanFlix, talks of a trilogy capper ignited last week when Universal entered negotiations with screenwriter Kay Cannon, who penned the first two films. It's unclear how "Pitch Perfect 3" will manage to wrangle current and former Bellas back into harmony, but with Pitch Perfect 2 having already grossed more than $260 million worldwide it's likely fans are already singing the tune of another installment.

To keep up with how this trilogy's going to end, keep on singing it at KhanFlix.

Malificent Sequel Moving Forward

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

I'm pretty sure we all remember 2014's surprise hit Malificent, which ended up bringing in an astonishing $750 million at the worldwide box office. So it's no surprise that the famous Mouse House wants to bring back the wicked anti-villain for another run around.

Deadline is reporting that Disney has hired Linda Woolverton to pen the script for a Maleficent sequel. They added, "I’m told the studio is keeping Jolie in the loop and that the sequel will be written for her to reprise."

But it's worth noting that, while all may be good in the House of Mouse, they're still not confirming one huge tool that had a massive hand in making the movie the success that it was; Angelina Jolie.

The actress simply doesn't do sequels. She has turned down lucrative offers in the past to appear in sequels to Wanted and Salt, but Disney is letting that stop them. The 2014 film grossed over $750M at the worldwide box office and it looks like Disney wants to see if they can summon some more magic out of Jolie's not-so-villainous role.

When asked if she'd make an exception to this role, Jolie said "It's kind of hard to top her. She was pretty fun. Maybe I'll get the chance to play her again," Jolie said during a press conference for the film in China last June.

Joe Roth will be back as the film’s producer, but as of right now nobody knows if Robert Stromberg will come back to direct the sequel

Just in case you needed more magical and fantastical news, keep it locked here at KhanFlix.

Marvel's Ant Man Releases New TV Spot

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

We're just over a month out from the upcoming Marvel film Ant-Man and to help with the hype, Marvel Entertainment has released a new TV spot online, with some great humour and new scenes as well. Check it out below!

Paul Rudd (Wet Hot American Summer) definitely put some big work in for this "small" role (pun intended) so check out the vid to see his new superhero bod and some major shrinkage.

Marvel's Ant-Man hits theaters everywhere on July 17th, 2015.

For all things small and heroic, keep it here at KhanFlix.

Some Movie Theaters To Start Accepting Bitcoin

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

For those of you that are human and breathing, you've probably heard of the term "Bitcoin" and wondered what it actually was. Well, now this confusingly popular digital currency has a new use; movie tickets. Specifically purchasing them, which you will be able to do starting with this year's Sundance Film Festival hit Dope.

According to a press release, Open Road Films, which landed the distribution rights to Dope back in January, has partnered with and GoCoin to begin accepting Bitcoin at participating theaters across the nation. GoCoin, "the leading international payment platform," plans to provide their services for people to use the alternative currency at 900 of the 2000 theaters where the Rick Famuyiwa-directed indie comedy-drama will open this weekend, and you can buy tickets online beginning today, June 15.

More than anything, they seem to be latching onto what Open Road Chief Marketing Officer Jason Cassidy calls, a "fresh, innovative, and cutting edge" film, which is Bitcoin’s whole deal. Sure, partnering with Terminator Genisys might make more thematic sense, but intelligent machines taking over the world might be sending the wrong message.

Dope hits theaters on Friday June 19th, 2015. For all things digital and dope, keep it saved at KhanFlix.

Christian Bale, Oscar Isaac To Star In Period Piece

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Christian Bale, with co-star Oscar Isaac, will star as two thirds of a tragic love triangle in a period film titled The Promise, Entertainment Weekly has confirmed, setting up two heavyweight actors in a film from director Terry George (Hotel Rwanda).

As first reported by The Wrap, Bale (American Hustle) has been tapped to play Chris, an American reporter residing in the crumbling Ottoman Empire, who falls in love with the same woman adored by a Middle Eastern medical student played by Isaac (A Most Violent Year).

The film—co-written by Oscar-winner George and Memoirs of a Geisha scribe Robin Swicord—will be set during the decline of the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed in 1922 shortly after its defeat in World War I, which witnessed the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

No release date has been set for the film, which is set to begin production this fall in Southern Europe, reports The Wrap. For all your promised needs, keep it here at KhanFlix.

Kung Fu Panda 3's New Trailer Is Here

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015

The first Kung Fu Panda 3 trailer has arrived, and even though it's in Chinese, the footage is still awe-inspiring. Even better, though, is that the villain is finally revealed! Po, Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper and Crane are up mean-looking minotaur. Watch the trailer below.

Not much is known about this mysterious creature shrouded in green light, but he looks like the biggest and most powerful threat these warriors have ever faced. He wields what appears to be blades attached to the ends of chains, like Kratos in God of War, and he's even strong enough to shot put a massive stone statue. And with his glowing eyes, he certainly seems supernatural.

DreamWorks Animation moved the released date around for this next sequel a couple times. The latest move pushed it out of 2015, where it would've competed with Star Wars: The Force Awakens for box-office dominance, into 2016. That said, we know there's even more of a personal component on top of everything that's going on. Po discovers that there are a lot more pandas like him than he thought in the world. In addition to the returning voice talent of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen and Lucy Liu, there's also Rebel Wilson voicing a panda named Mei Mei, who's super into ribbon dancing.

Kung Fu Panda 3 hits theaters on January 29, 2016.

For all things fighty and furry, keep on fighting over here at KhanFlix.

Jon Snow On The Future Of His Character

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

For those of you that survived the Season 5 finale of Game of Thrones, congrats. You now get to analyze it more than you ever need to. So let's start. Full disclosure, we're about to dive into full spoilers here, so if you haven't seen the episode, go right now, watch it, then join us back at KhanFlix...we'll wait.

Still with us? Perfect. So as you know, in one of the most shocking TV moments of the year, Game of Thrones killed off one of its biggest stars on Sunday. Jon Snow, or the bastard of Winterfell, was struck down by men of the Night’s Watch in a harrowing conclusion to the HBO drama’s fifth season

While speaking to Entertainment Weekly, actor Kit Harrington discussed the reactions fans had to the gut-wrenching finale, as well as if we'll be seeing the Lord Commander anytime soon.

“I kind of knew it was coming,” Harington said of the finale. “I didn’t read (George R.R. Martin’s novel) ‘A Dance with Dragons.’ But I read the other books and I had heard this is what happens.

"I didn’t realize it would be the final shot of the season and that made it extra special,” the actor said of the bloody mutiny at the end of season five, in which a band of misfits from the Nights Watch stab him to death for being a ‘Traitor’ after joining forces with the enemy outfit the Wildlings

As for whether or not his character his really dead or if there’s a chance his wounds were not fatal and he returns, Harrington said: ‘I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.'

The drama’s show runner also confirmed that he was gone: ““Dead is dead,” Weiss told EW.

Speaking of Harrington, however, he’s already begun to turn the page: I’m looking for movies for next year,” he said. “I’m in a very lucky place—I can turn things down and do what I want to do. There’s a couple movies I’m looking at, but I can’t really talk about them yet. I might take a holiday. I might try writing. I’m trying to figure it out.”

When asked what fans of the show should expect for the end of the series, the actor simply replied with “I don’t know how they’re going to finish (it), but I think I’ve gone out on a great season. I think they’ll have to end it with most epic f–k-all battle TV has ever seen.”

For all things royal and fantasy, keep your iron thrones here at KhanFlix.

The Stanford Prison Experiment Trailer Released, And It's Amazing

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Based on a real-life psychological test run in the 1970s that went horrifically awry, The Stanford Prison Experiment caused a stir at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. With a release date on the way, the movie dropped its first trailer that illustrates we’re in for one of the best, most harrowing films of the year.

The story is one of the most notorious events in academic history. In 1971, Stanford psychology professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo embarked on an experiment to study the effect of becoming either a guard or a prisoner, backed by funding from the military. He and his team of graduate students took 24 male undergrads and put them in the role of either a guard or an inmate in a simulate prison scenario, and sat back to see how things would unfold. What they saw as the power dynamics of the various institutionalized roles bubbled to the surface went far beyond their expectations. All of which you see dramatized in this trailer as the guards start to give into their most base instincts

The Stanford Prison Experiment put together an impressive cast. Fronted by Billy Crudup as Dr. Zimbardo, the younger component includes Michael Angarano (The Knick), Ezra Miller (who will play the Flash in DC’s cinematic superhero universe), Tye Sheridan (the new Cyclops of X-Men: Apocalypse), Thomas Mann (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl), and many more. Olivia Thirlby (Dredd) also plays Zimbardo’s wife, who has her own concerns with this entire set up.

The Stanford Prison Experiment gets a limited theatrical run starting on July 17, and it hits video on demand the following week, on July 24.

For news and reviews that aren't so criminal, stay put here at KhanFlix.

Gambit Spinoff Film Finds Its Director

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

20th Century Fox's Gambit has long been in production, with actor Channing Tatun attached to star as the titular character. But now, it looks like the project may have found a director to helm the magic.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that director Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) will helm the mutant movie, which stars the mutant who can charge objects with energy (his favourite being playing cards), rendering them explosive.

Tatum is producing the film along with Reid Carolin, Lauren Schuler Donner, and Simon Kinberg, and it’s scheduled for release on Oct. 7, 2016.

For all things mutant, you're already in the right place; KhanFlix.

New Spider-Man Casting Finalist

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Recently, we reported that the casting for the upcoming role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe had been narrowed down to three finalists, with Marvel and Sony at odds over their pick of the bunch. Well today, if reports are to be believed, it looks as if another actor has joined the race, and eliminated most competition as well.

Now, if you weren't paying attention over the weekend, here's a quick recap. Marvel & Sony had picked their actors to portray the role, with Marvel siding with Charlie Plummer, and Sony with Tom Holland. Both these actors are incredibly young, which fits the bill of what the studios are trying to aim for. But now, according to Birth Movies Death, another name has entered the race that wasn't previously heard of, that being Charlie Rowe.

For those of you not familiar with his work, don't be offended, most of us really aren't. His main credits would fall to movies such as The Golden Compass and Never Let Me Go. Below is a video which includes some of the actors work over the years, take a look!

BDM is reporting that, unlike previously mentioned, the race is now down to Tom Holland and Charlie Rowe. Both studios see great potential and talent in Holland, but with the inclusion of Rowe, does the race simply become bogus? Only time will tell. The announcement may come soon though, as the famous web-slinger is heavily rumoured to appear in next summer's Captain America: Civil War, so casting for the role must come quick, as the movie is already halfway through production.

For all things webbed and super, keep it parked at KhanFlix.

Two New Ted 2 Clips Land Online

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Universal Pictures has been cleaning up at the box office this year, churning out one blockbuster after another. Can Ted 2be the next one? See if it has the goods in these two new clips.

Ted 2 opens in theaters on June 26th. For all things teddy bears, keep it here at KhanFlix.

Silicon Valley Season 2 Finale Episodes

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Rarely does a comedy about 5 dudes living together making a revolutionary app ever make me reflect back on these characters' journey, and make it well worth watching. Silicon Valley's Season 2 Finale offered many tie-ups to season-long events that kept us intrigued, while introducing many key aspects for the coming seasons. Fair warning, we'll be going into full spoilers for the episode, so if you haven't seen this amazing episode, what're you doing with life exactly? Go watch it then meet us back here for the review.

Starting with the impending court tension that we left off in last week's penultimate offering, the writers clearly knew how to keep the themes we've been accustomed to alive. Having Richard at his absolute worst, fighting for his life for Pied Piper was really something else, and Thomas Middleditch's performance was outstanding to say the least, especially considering the range of emotions he had to play with, from making the untimely desperate decision to wipe Pied Pier from existence, to frantically getting home in order to stop the former decision. Even Gavin Belson, who I really didn't expect to deliver much, really showed a better side to his character, not necessarily personality wise, but in charisma, with the whole tie-tying scene. It'll be fun to see how he deals with no longer being the head honcho around

Back at the incubator, the army of coders handling the now-popular livestream was an incredible storyline throughout. Seeing the injured guy racking up record-breaking views (thanks to some agressive Phillipino help.) I've really grown to love Gilfoyle's character, having his progression in Season 2 tie him with Erlich as my favourite character on screen, so seeing him desperately trying to keep his precious servers alive was a treat in every sense of the word. Not only him, but even Dinesh and Jared managed to get in some great scenes, especially Dinesh, who never fails to impress with his unbreakable chemistry with Gilfoyle. Jared had some great time to shine, finally touching light upon how he gave up an entire life of fortune to become something more, so that was a nice touch on the situation already.

And let's not forget the undisclosed "landlord" of our favourite incubator. With Erlich being presented with the option of selling his home, it was hilarious to see him give it up so easily in a "not-so-rash" decision according to him. I'm glad the writers skipped out on the whole "emotional lookback at all the good times" for the most part, and used his ego as a better tactic to decline the offer, providing both great laughs and incredible performance by T.J. Miller.

Just before we close off, I wanna talk a little bit about the seeds planted for Season 3. Having Russ completely eliminated from the picture was unfortunate (I really liked him nonetheless,) but seeing Revega basically screw Pied Piper and Richard over was incredibly entertaining, leading me to desperately survive the summer for more of the Pied Piper gang.

Overall, this was a really satisfying conclusion to a somewhat rocky season of Silcon Valley. With incredible performances, great writing, and perfect conclusions and set-ups, this really was a finale worth watching.

KhanFlix Rating: 9.5/10

Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale Recap (Spoilers)

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 15, 2015.

Still can't quite comprehend what just happened on the season finale of Game of Thrones? We can't either, but don't worry, we've got a full spoiler recap here for for your pleasure right on our Recap page, so hop on over and check it out!

Jurassic World Spoiler Talk

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015

Just to start off with this spoiler talk, full disclosure; KhanFlix will be going into full spoilers from the movie, so if you haven't seen it yet, check out our spoiler free review on our Reviews page, and come back once you've seen this awesome flick.

Still with us? Perfect.

Now right off the bat, I'm glad that for a monster movie, the characters within this movie actually acknowledged the fact that creating a monster would never work. It's a bit cheesy, but I mean comparing it to a park full of dinosaurs that we somehow tame, it's the least surprising. It showed a nice differentiation between corporate and consumer needs, where the park needed some new entertainment, but the public really did not, like really did not care one bit, so the corporate world just kept going on and on with their ideas, I really liked that.

Jumping straight into the kills of this movie, I absolutely dropped my jaw at the pterodactyl kill. I mean for a babysitter it was hilarious but to see the dinosaur dunk the girl in the tank like it was baptizing her or something was surprisingly amusing. And then the giant dinosaur underneath came and ate the pterodactyl, so you know all in all, dinosaurs are pretty fun.

The Indominus Rex, the new monstrosity the park had created, was something that was far fetched but so enjoyable. Seeing it cloak with its nose right beside Chris Pratt was really entertaining to say the least.

Looking at Vincent D'onofrio's character, he was basically a more human version of Ranger Rick, always rambling on about how the raptors need to be weaponized and all. Like this guy grew up on Dino-Riders, did he just look at them and go "oh yes, this is my dream? Add in Chris Pratt and we've basically got a deal." Speaking of Chris Pratt, I couldn't help but get an Indiana Jones or Nathan Drake type vibe from the guy, he was just so charismatic the entire time.

And there's one thing I really didn't get. Dr. Wu was like the Dr. Frankenstein of this movie. He knew what the dinosaur was made out of, but Bryce Dallas Howard didn't? She was unusually oblivious and it was annoying at a point. I mean you're running a park and you barely know what's in it. I feel like if she had known what was in the monster, and had told that to Chris Pratt once he suggested to use the raptors, a LOT of mayhem could have been saved. Alpha powers over all. Basic science.

But oh my god the fight scene at the end of this movie was just so friggin awesome, I can't even make words for it. The T-Rex vs. the Indominus Rex was like the Godzilla fight only everything it never was. Funny thing is, the t-rex looked pretty old too, I started wondering if that was the original t-rex we saw in '93. Nature vs. Nurture. That's what it all boiled down to and oh my god did it pay off. Just seeing them fight was worth the entire movie, really helped wrap it up nicely.

So that's all we have to say for Jurassic World, we really did have an amazing time with this movie. Now that you've read our thoughts, what do you think we missed out on? Sound off in the comments below and let us know!

Jon Bernthal Is The Punisher

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015.

The freshman season of Daredevil was one that astounded audiences everywhere, with its smart storytelling, incredible action, and top-notch acting. But according to various reports, it looks like that family's about to get a little bigger.

Marvel has hit it out of the park yet again, with Jon Bernthal being cast as Frank Castle himself. Jon Bernthal is probably most well known for his role as Shane Walsh on AMC's The Walking Dead, and if that is anything to judge off of, then this casting should be perfection on earth

Daredevil's 2nd season is when we'll be introduced to this character, which is currently under development for an early 2016 release. For all things Marvel, keep it here at Khanflix.

The Flash's Firestorm Getting New Power

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015.

To say that the Season 1 finale of The CW's The Flash raised many questions would be an understatement like no other. With the likes of time travel, multiple dimensions, portals, ancestry, and many more themes such as these left unanswered. Luckily, one of those questions seems to have been answered in the form of Robbie Amell, a.k.a. Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm

In the comics, Firestorm is able to manipulate all matter, not just the fire we've seen him master on TV. Screenrant is reporting that we'll be seeing this ability in more detail in Season 2, since we almost saw it in Season 1. According to Amell, there was supposed to be a scene in Season 1's finale where, when getting Caitlyn to check his temperature through a thermometer, Ronnie proceeds to turn this thermometer into a flower. While this would've been a nice tease, the finale already had more than enough those, so it's nice the writers still left something in store for the episodes to come.

The Flash returns to TV this fall. For all things quick and speedy, you're already in the right place; KhanFlix.

New Terminator: Genysis TV Spotsa>

Written by John Smith on August 12, 2012.

Now that Jurassic World's been released, it's time to look forward to the next summer blockbuster, that being Terminator: Genysis, the latest installment in the Terminator franchise. Recently 3 new 30-second spots were released on TV, and as such, KhanFlix brings you them instantaneously. Check them out after the poster below!

Seeing these TV spots, it's clear to see that no expense was spared in terms of visual effects, with explosions civilian destruction, and state-of-the-art robots at every scene. The incorporation of the line Forget Everything You Know was a nice touch, signifying to both forget the monstrosity that was Terminator: Salvation, as well as a nod to new fans of the series to come with an open mind.

When John Connor (Jason Clarke), leader of the human resistance against Skynet, sends Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to protect his mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator assassin, an unexpected turn of events creates an altered timeline. Instead of a scared waitress, Sarah is a skilled fighter and has a Terminator guardian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) by her side. Faced with unlikely allies and dangerous new enemies, Reese sets out on an unexpected new mission: reset the future. Terminator: Genysis opens in theaters everywhere July 1st, 2015. For all things mechanical, keep it shifted here at KhanFlix.

New Ant-Man Posters Released By Marvel

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015.

The much-anticipated upcoming movie Ant-Man has done nothing but keep fans at a cool low when it comes to hysterical hype. With strategically successful advertising in the past few weeks, it should come as no surprise that these new posters do nothing but up the ante even more for next movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As you can see, these posters do a phenomenal job at reinstating the fact that the character of Scott Lang/Ant-Man does in fact exist within the Marvel continuity. With the tagline referencing the most popular Marvel characters at the moment, it'll be fun to see how these connections play off down the road.

With the ability to shrink in size but grow in strength, a con man (Paul Rudd) must help his mentor (Michael Douglas) protect the secret of his Ant-Man suit and pull off a heist that will save the world. Ant-Man opens in theaters everywhere on July 15, 2015. For all your latest Marvel news, keep it locked here at KhanFlix.

Spy Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015.

Head on over to the KhanFlix Reviews page to check out our thoughts and review of the new Melissa McCarthy movie that has audiences raving everywhere!

San Andreas Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015.

Head on over to the KhanFlix Reviews page to check out our thoughts and review of the newest disaster movie to hit the big screen, starting our favourite disaster man, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Pitch Perfect 2 Review

Written by Huzaifa Khan on June 14, 2015.

Head on over to the KhanFlix Reviews page to check out our thoughts and review of the latest installment in the aca-hit to the aca-riginal (plenty more where that came from).

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